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Generations of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people have paved the way for the progress we currently enjoy. Without these trailblazers, the LGBTQ+ rights movement would not be where it is today. MG Pride is inspired by these pioneers and celebrates their lives.

Gilbert Baker

Gilbert Baker

Gay Pride Pioneer

Designer of the pride flag.

Michael Dillon

Michael Dillon

Trans Male Pioneer

The first transgender man to undergo gender confirmation surgery.

James Baldwin

James Baldwin

Literary Pioneer

Writer who featured gay men prominently in his literature in the 1950s.

Barbara Gittings

Barbara Gittings

Lesbian Rights Pioneer

Mother of the LGBTQ+ civil rights movement.

Gladys Bentley

Gladys Bentley

Entertainment Pioneer

Popular lesbian entertainer lived life on her terms.

Magnus Hirschfeld

Magnus Hirschfeld

Gender Identity Pioneer

Established the world's first gender identity clinic.

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